I was trolling through the leafy green of Sherwood yesterday when I felt the wind of an arrow as it passed close by my tanned peasant brow. I must admit that my first thought was “it’s that fucking Robin Hood shooting up again” but I was wrong.
Quivering in a tree trunk close by was an official arrow pinning a King’s message to the sturdy oak. Upon close inspection it was an invitation to a grand fair at the castle. This fair would give me the opportunity to comment freely on my noble masters, something that would normally send a shiver of fear across the land.
However, this problem had been addressed. I should fear no punishment as all the nobles involved in gathering this information would be from another land and they would be blindfolded. There would be no way to know if a lowly serf made derogatory remarks about his betters.
I went on my merry way in a much improved frame of mind. I was eager to join in all the fun of the fair. Oh Joy. I could soon voice all my concerns about the shit I have to take on a daily basis. I could complain about the way the Prince holds demonic sway over this part of the Kingdom. I could do something to rid this once green and pleasant land of the pestilence that covers it.
And the beauty was I could do all this in complete anonymity.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
For fucks sake wake up! Robin Hood was a legend not a fairy story!!