Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Miller Responds

After reading the comment on the last post the Miller himself fired an arrow at his son's arse with the following message attached.

Hey! Son! For Christ’s sake get back inside this hovel. How many times have I told you about going out and irritating the fucking nobles? Here I am grinding me grains for all I’m worth just to provide a home for you and the other 15 brats and you go out trying to piss off the gentry.

I work dawn to dusk just pay for your private lessons on basic forelock touching and this all the thanks I get. Ungrateful sod! If you think I am going to pay for you to go to Nottingham Uni to get that BA in Grovelling and Servility you have another think coming! You would only be another typical bloody student anyway. Piss all your groats up against the wall and never do a day of work. Bit like the nobility really but without any class.

And while we are having a heart to heart - this bollocks you keep harping on about - this joining a band – it isn’t going to happen. What sort of crap name is Robin and the Merrie Men anyway????

Love Dad.


I have bitten the bullet (actually that should probably be arrow) and visited the castle for the fair. True to his word, the King has blindfolded all the participating nobles who are all from foreign lands.

I still worry though. I answered all the questions my good lords asked me but when I reviewed my completed parchment I realised it was not as anonymous as it seemed.

If there was such a devil’s instrument in existence capable of taking all the parchments and reporting in such a way that one’s identity might be revealed by admission of age or sex or department I might be very worried.

But that’s all witchcraft and nonsense.

Isn’t it?


Isn’t it??

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wrong Prince!

That will teach me to use a freelance! I said get a picture of The Prince!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I was trolling through the leafy green of Sherwood yesterday when I felt the wind of an arrow as it passed close by my tanned peasant brow. I must admit that my first thought was “it’s that fucking Robin Hood shooting up again” but I was wrong.

Quivering in a tree trunk close by was an official arrow pinning a King’s message to the sturdy oak. Upon close inspection it was an invitation to a grand fair at the castle. This fair would give me the opportunity to comment freely on my noble masters, something that would normally send a shiver of fear across the land.

However, this problem had been addressed. I should fear no punishment as all the nobles involved in gathering this information would be from another land and they would be blindfolded. There would be no way to know if a lowly serf made derogatory remarks about his betters.

I went on my merry way in a much improved frame of mind. I was eager to join in all the fun of the fair. Oh Joy. I could soon voice all my concerns about the shit I have to take on a daily basis. I could complain about the way the Prince holds demonic sway over this part of the Kingdom. I could do something to rid this once green and pleasant land of the pestilence that covers it.

And the beauty was I could do all this in complete anonymity.

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

For fucks sake wake up! Robin Hood was a legend not a fairy story!!

God Save The King!!

It has been pointed out to me, by more than one of the peasants of my acquaintance, that if the Robin Hood theme is going to continue I should redefine one or two of the principal players.

Always willing to oblige I agree that the current King should be demoted to Prince Alex and King Michael reigns in London town.

Talk amongst the nobility is that this state of affairs may not continue for much longer but let’s go with it for now boys and girls.

God Save The King!!

Friday, April 6, 2007

You know it makes sense.........

There appears to be a high fear factor within NML. I have received several emails that are complimentary about this blog but the authors, almost to a man/woman, are very worried about adding comments.

For a company that considers itself to be employee friendly this must surely be a concern (don't you think so Michael?) In one region especially (no prizes for guessing which one) mild paranoia seems to be the order of the day.

Let’s get this in perspective. If you really are worried about reprisals don’t comment using the computer at the office and post anonymously. Come on boys and girls. Show some backbone. Comment on the blog.

You know it makes sense……