Saturday, March 24, 2007

The King of the Midlands

This week sees the departure of the formidable Ms Heather Wozniak from Tamworth. She is the last of the original Midland region’s centre managing directors inherited, ignored and demotivated by the mad and not so merry monarch of the Midlands, King Alex.

The king is now in total control and I, as a lowly peasant in the Midlands realm, am not the only one of the serfs who wonders what the plan is. Demotivation still seems to be the order of the day and it appears that the Emperor in Kensington, to use a popular catchphrase...... just isn't bovvered.....

Stop Press:

Rumour has it that the hottest bet in Nottingham is when the circulation figures will hit minus 15%!!


Anonymous said...

Thats very good. Hits the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off you English scum. Does that hit the nail on the head? Cunt.

The Reporter said...

Although I am delighted that someone has at last built up the nerve to comment can we please keep it fairly calm otherwise I will be forced to moderate. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I think royal decree was alluding a certain Scottish gentleman's rather choice vocabulary.